Category Archives: dating

On dating

So it may sound a bit weird coming from a dude who’s turning 29 next week, but I have no idea how to date. Consider, I was with the same woman from circa 20-21ish until (technically) 28 and missed the entirety of what would be considered a prime dating time of my life.

Fuck it, I’m making up for it with… INTERNET DATING!

Seriously though. Best. Thing. Evar.

If you are even moderately attractive (which I consider myself to be) and slightly more intelligent than retarded (also me) and you send out enough messages then you’re bound to get some great replies. I’ve been at it for a little over two weeks and Chicago has turned from work and school city to fuckin’ date city overnight. I am nothing special and I’ve had dates for the past 5 days. Well, technically, 4 since I had to reschedule one, but I could have had one a night for the past 5 nights. And these chicks aren’t just randos, but seriously intelligent and attractive women.

I think some of ’em have gone well so far. I do feel bad for the first few ladies though considering how awkward I probably was, but I’d like to think it’s not so bad now. The last two dates were actually pretty good and I’d like to see both of them again. The women couldn’t be more dissimilar though (an exaggeration, but whatever, fuck you). Wednesday night was a 23 year old shorter, curly-haired brunette nursing master’s student with a rack almost as amazing as her music taste (and it was an AMAZING rack). Tonight my date was a 35 year old, tall, thin, redheaded graphic designer who was clearly just all kinds of awesome. The date went really well and I’d like to see her again too, but this is where my inexperience comes in. I have more dates with other chicks next week, and considering how I’m only getting better at this I’m not sure what to do anymore. I barely know how to handle one woman, let alone multiple at any given time and I feel as though I may have bitten off more than I can chew.

You know what? Fuck it, this is what being (relatively) young is about. Ladies. Ladies all over the place.

This year is going to FUCKING ROCK!

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Filed under dating, life, social